Working camp at elementary school “Nikola Djurkovic”, Radanovic

On Sunday, January 17, the young NGO Our action completed a five-day volunteer work camp of renovating the elementary school “Nikola Djurkovic” in Radanovici. In this first phase of the works, the focus of the works was the mathematics classroom, a large hallway on the lower floor of the school of about 150 m2, painting old benches, and painting the classroom doors on the lower floor of the school. The works included a large amount of scraping, smoothing and sanding of badly damaged and old walls, then the substrate and painting. 18 young volunteers aged 14 to 21 took part in the action, and students of the Faculty of Maritime Studies joined for two days.

The material for this activity was provided by the NGO Our action through the Youth Council of Kotor (Kotor Municipality), then the roofing material through the Directorate for Construction of Kotor and the rest of the needs were covered through funds provided by the NGO Our action through the European endowment for democracy. We owe a special thank you to Marijan Santic, who lent us the scales for working on high ceilings, and to all the teachers and parents who brought refreshments and donations in the form of food to the volunteers.

“This is the fourth school organized by the NGO Our action so that our youngest citizens have a better learning environment. In the second phase of the project, the biology classroom will be arranged and the school yard will be arranged. Now we are waiting for the caretaker to finish the roof of the classroom and library. with the material we provided because it is leaking now. Only then does continuing work make sense. We are still trying to provide bookshelves in good condition for the library because many of the leaks have been destroyed, as well as a map of the world the school needs. project Dejan Besovic. We invite everyone who is able to continue to help arrange the institution. It is necessary to fix the septic tank, to renovate the toilets as some priorities.

#NVONasaakcija #NGOOuraction #Europeanendowmentofdemocracy #Kotor #OpstinaKotor
