Acorn collection action

On December 31, 2020, our young team traveled to Herceg Novi for the action of collecting acorns, one of the few specimens of oak still represented on the coast. This is the third year in a row that our organization finishes the year with this activity, with our now experienced collectors inspecting every acorn. Sufficient specimens were collected for seedlings and for donation to the ecological sections of primary schools “Njegos” and “Nikola Djurkovic” in Kotor. This activity is implemented as part of the program “Nature for physical and mental health of young people” implemented by the NGO Our Action and funded through institutional support of the European Endowment for Democracy, and aims to activate as many young people to spend their free time in nature. not only their health but also learn to love and respect their country.


#NVONasaakcija #NGOOuraction #EuropeanEndowmentForDemocracy #Natureyouth #Youthmentalhealth

Building material delivery for the grade school in Radanovici

The second and third cargo of building materials for the refurbishing of grade school “Nikola Djurkovic” has been delivered to Radanovice, thanks to donations from the Municipality of Kotor and the Directorate for the arrangement and construction of Kotor, with the support of the European endowment for democracy. We hope that time will serve us and that the young NGO Our action will start work around 11 and finish by 18 January. The work will be difficult and extensive, and this may be the most difficult action our NGO has taken. Any help that the citizens want to give us will be gladly accepted. #Europeanendowementfordemocracy


#Youtheducation #Education ofyouth #NGOOuraction #NVONasaakcija

Strategic planning for 2021

As every year so far, the last educational activity of the year includes strategic planning, setting personal and NGO Our Action goals for 2021. Thus, the team gathered on December 29 to analyze 2020 and set goals for the next one that are focused on the development, success and happiness of our young members. NGO Our action organized this type of education as part of the program “Career education and employability of young people” with the support of the European endowment for democracy.

#Europeanendowementfordemocracy #Youtheducation #Education ofYouth #Youthcareerdevelopment #Career Youth Development

Consultations about studying abroad

In cooperation with the Organization of Montenegrins Studying Abroad, the NGO Our action organized the last evening of consultations for studies abroad in our premises in Podgorica. As the end of December is the time when many high school and university students see challenges outside the borders of Montenegro in the field of basic and higher studies, we decided on this joint activity. The workshop was held in a small group due to current measures. Participants had the opportunity to hear something new from our wonderful lecturer Dimitrije Jovicevic about the application process for universities as well as the scholarships offered to our students. The NGO Our action organizes this type of education as part of the program “Career education and employability of young people” with the support of the European endowment for democracy.

#Europeanendowementfordemocracy #Youtheducation #Education ofYouth #Youthcareerdevelopment #Career Youth Development